Actio CMS


We free you from the administrative hassles!

Actio Clinic Management System is designed to map out the workflow of a clinic, from appointment scheduling to patient registration, consultation, patient’s history, dispensary, billing and payment collections.

When you set up patient's appointment, you will see the schedule of all the doctors at a glance so that you can set appointment to fit doctor’s free slots.  Upon patient's registration, the system will differentiate panel clients and walk-in patients and apply different charging and billing mechanism accordingly.

During consultation, you will have at your fingertips all your patients’ details and their past consultation and prescription histories. The built-in Picture Gallery allows you to build your own repository of images, photos for your quick reference.  The built-in Letter Writer let you create your own letter templates for quick letter issuance. Inventory tracking is made easy with auto stock movement calculations.  Your cashier can generate cash bills, invoices, official receipts and track collections.

You can easily find out your sales to-date, your billing status, collections status and outstanding payment from panel clients or patients at any time.

Actio CMS can be installed locally at your own premises or hosted on the Cloud.  You can access to the system securely anywhere anytime.

Key benefits:

  • Streamlined operations

  • Improved billing & collections

  • Maximized inventory control

  • Improved customer experience

  • Increased revenues & profits

  • Patient's appointment scheduling

  • Set follow up appointment

  • Check doctor's availability

  • Single view of multiple doctors' schedules

  • Send SMS reminder (optional)

Patient Registration
  • Quick Registration

  • Manage patients queue

  • Differentiate patients e.g. panel vs. walk-in

  • Prioritize emergency cases

  • Provide patient's full particulars

  • Show patient's history i.e. consultations, prescriptions and images & letters attached to each consultation

  • Preset complaints & diagnosis to reduce data entry

  • Preset prescription packages for common complaints

  • Generate cash bills, invoices

  • Track cash bills, invoices & claims

  • Track payments / collections

  • Track outstanding balances / debts

  • Track stock in/out & adjustment

  • Auto calculate UOM conversion

  • Track unit cost & unit price by UOM

  • Prescription package for fast entry

  • Master records listings

  • Sales & collections reports

  • Customer statements

  • Stock transactions & stock balance

Picture Gallery
  • Setup your own picture collections

  • Easy reference to gallery during consultation

  • Keep records of patient's imaging & photos

  • Attach images & photos to consultations

Letter Writer
  • Create your own letters

  • Create letter templates for standard letters

  • Easy generation of letters using templates

  • Attach letters issued to consultation

Call / Whatsapp us now at 012 387 8283 for a free demo!